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Key Features

Improve your accuracy and speed in Google Sheets with our essential toolkit for finance, strategy, and operations professionals

Formula Auditing 

Trace precedents

Trace Precedents

  • See all the cells referenced in your formula in one view

  • Quickly jump to every precedent cell using the up and down arrow keys

  • Make spreadsheet edits without having to close the trace precedents window

  • Dive a layer deeper and view the precedents of the precedents cells from the same window without having to rerun the tool

  • Close the window by hitting "Esc." Never need to touch your mouse!

  • Similar to the tracing precedents tools seen in plug-ins like Macabacus, Arixcel, Factset, and S&P Capital IQ on Excel

Trace Precedents on Google Sheets like Macabacus and Arixcel on Excel

Trace Dependents

  • See all the cells that reference the cell that you’re on in one window

  • Navigate to every dependent cell using the up / down arrow keys

  • We've optimized the tool for speed, and if there is a time-out due to the complexity of the spreadsheet, we'll let you know and return anything that we've already found

  • Close the window by hitting "Esc." Never need to touch your mouse!

  • Similar to the trace dependents tools seen in plug-ins like Macabacus, Arixcel, Factset, and S&P Capital IQ

Trace Dependents on Google Sheets like Macabacus and Arixcel on Excel

Format Cycles

Number Cycle
General number cycle

General Number Cycle

  • Apply custom number formats to selected cells quickly

  • Use our shortcut once, and "Format 1" will be applied to the selection. Use our shortcut again while still on the same selection, and "Format 2" will be applied. Use it again and "Format 3" will be applied. There are 4 formats that you can cycle through

  • All formats are completely customizable, meaning you'll be able to apply any format you want to your selection quickly and without a mouse

  • Some users would like multiple cycles because they want cycles specific to percentages, multiples, currencies, etc. We provide cycles for all of these number types (i.e., Percent Cycle, Multiples Cycle, Local Currency Cycle) and they work the same way as General Number Cycle 

General Number Cycle on Google Sheets similar to Macabacus on Excel
Font Color Cycle

Font Color Cycle

  • Apply font colors to selected data 

  • Most users use this to quickly color-code different data types in their sheet

    • Blue = Hardcode​

    • Green = Formula uses an input from another tab 

    • Red = A one-off formula adjustment or an error to return back to

    • Black = Formula

  • Use our shortcut once, and "Color 1" will be applied to the selection. Use our shortcut again while still on the same selection, and "Color 2" will be applied. Use it again and "Color 3" will be applied. There are 4 formats that you can cycle through

  • All colors are completely customizable, meaning you'll be able to apply any format you want to your selection quickly and without a mouse

Font Color Cycle
Font Color Cycle on Google Sheets similar to Macabacus on Excel
Fill Color Cycle

Fill Color Cycle

  • Apply fill colors to selected cells 

  • Most users use this to apply company colors to their analysis 

  • Use our shortcut once, and "Color 1" will be applied to the selection. Use our shortcut again while still on the same selection, and "Color 2" will be applied. Use it again and "Color 3" will be applied. There are 4 formats that you can cycle through

  • All colors are completely customizable, meaning you'll be able to apply any format you want to your selection quickly and without a mouse

Fill Color Cyce
Cell Fill Color Cycle on Google Sheets similar to Macabacus on Excel

Export Selection as Image (Beta)

export selection as image - black.png

Export Selection as Image (Beta)

  • Export your selected cells as an image that you can paste to Google Slides or Google Docs so you are never screenshotting again

  • Get the exact selection you want versus approximating the output with a screenshot

  • Select the cells, hit "Ctrl + Shift + C" or trigger the shortcut via the Paste Special menu

  • Once you are notified that the image is ready to paste, go to where you want to paste the image and paste the image as you normally would

  • Note, for higher quality images, zoom in on your selection. The bigger the selection is on your screen, the higher quality the image 

  • Ability to update images automatically is a work in progress!

Export your Google Sheets selection into Slides or Docs while keeping the formatting

Excel Shortcuts on Google Sheets

Excel shortcuts Google Sheets

We support the following Excel shortcuts 

  • Insert Columns / Rows:  Ctrl + Shift + "+" 

  • Delete Columns / Rows: Ctrl + Shift + "-" 

Insert & Delete Columns & Rows on Google Sheets using the Excel shortcut
  • Paste Special:  Alt/Option + E + S . This will bring up a menu with the following options

    • Export Selection as Image (Beta):  Alt/Option + E + S + S 

    • Formulas​:  Alt/Option + E + S + F 

    • Values:  Alt/Option + E + S + V 

    • Formatting:  Alt/Option + E + S + T 

    • Transposed:  Alt/Option + E + S + 

    • Column Width Only:  Alt/Option + E + S + W 

    • All Except Borders:  Alt/Option + E + S + X 

Paste Special in action with SheetWhiz
  • All Border Shortcuts

    • Top Border: ​ Alt/Option + H + B + P 

    • Bottom Border:  Alt/Option + H + B + O  

    • Left Border:  Alt/Option + H + B + L 

    • Right Border:  Alt/Option + H + B + R 

    • Outside Border:  Alt/Option + H + B + S 

    • All Border:  Alt/Option + H + B + A 

    • Inner Border:  Alt/Option + H + B + I 

    • Horizontal Border:  Alt/Option + H + B + Z 

    • Vertical Border:  Alt/Option + H + B + V

    • Remove Border:  Alt/Option + H + B + N â€‹

Add and Remove Borders on Google Sheets using the Excel shortcuts
  • Resize Rows & Columns

    • Set Column Width:  Alt/Option + H + O + W 

    • Autofit Columns:  Alt/Option + H + O + I 

    • Set Row Height:  Alt/Option + H + O + H 

    • Autofit Rows:  Alt/Option + H + O + A 


Autofit Column Width, Autofit Row Height, Set Column Width, Set Row Height on Google Sheets using the Excel shortcuts
  • Alignment

    • Align Center​:  Alt/Option + H + A + C 

    • Align Left:  Alt/Option + H + A + L 

    • Align Right:  Alt/Option + H + A + 

    • Align Top:  Alt/Option + H + A + T

    • Align Middle:  Alt/Option + H + A + M

    • Align Bottom:  Alt/Option + H + A + B


Align center, left, right, top, middle, and bottom
  • Increase Decimals:  Alt/Option + H + 0 

  • Reduce Decimals:  Alt/Option + H + 9 

Increase and Reduce Decimals on Google Sheets using the Excel shortcuts
  • Add/Remove Filters:  Ctrl + Shift + L 

Add Filters Remove Filters Shortcut in Google Sheets with SheetWhiz
  • Add/Remove Gridlines:  Alt/Option + W + V +  G

Show or Hide Gridlines in Google Sheets using SheetWhiz
  • Font Shortcuts:

    • Set Font:  Alt/Option + H + F +  F

    • Set Font Size:  Alt/Option + H + F +  S

    • Increase Font Size:  Alt/Option + H + F +  G

    • Decrease Font Size:  Alt/Option + H + F +  K

Edit fonts to your liking in Google Sheets using SheetWhiz
  • Freeze & Unfreeze Rows & Columns:

    • Freeze Columns & Rows:  Alt/Option + W + F +  F

    • Unfreeze Columns & Rows:  Alt/Option + W + F +  U

    • Freeze Columns:  Alt/Option + F +  C

    • Unfreeze Columns:  Alt/Option + W + F +  C

    • Freeze Rows:  Alt/Option + F +  R

    • Unfreeze Rows:  Alt/Option + W + F +  R

Freeze and unfreeze columns and rows in Sheets using SheetWhiz
  • Merge & Unmerge Cells:

    • Merge All:  Alt/Option + H + M +  A

    • Unmerge All:  Alt/Option + H + M + U 

Merge and unmerge cells in Sheets using SheetWhiz
Custom Shortcuts

Customizable Shortcuts

customizable shortcuts

All shortcuts are customizable. If you prefer a shortcut instead of the one shown as the default, you may change it by clicking the key you'd like to change

Customize Shortcuts on Google Sheets
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